Tuesday, January 13, 2009

week 1

Assignment: To set up my blog

Craft: There are steps that I have to do.
1) sign in my blog at www.blogger.com
2) sign in as username, password, and displayname
3) choose the portrait frame
4) give my blog a title

Compostion: This portrait is interresting to me.

Concept: This portrait is trying to say that President Abraham Lincoln has an insghtful look political perspective for the United States of America.

1 comment:

  1. Craft: The blog was made in the first week of class and then this person realize he/she wanted to drop out of this class. Therefore, the creation of the blog ceased.

    Composition:I like this blog, even though it is incomplete because of the layout. I like the heading of the blog and the color/layout of it. It's modern and sleek which is my kind of style.

    Concept: This blog's concept is called incomplete. It's concept hasn't evolved.
